Research EQ is the vehicle that the founders have formed through which to collaborate in fulfilling their shared vision. Together they want to positively impact sustainability* in South Africa (and the rest of Africa) using market research as the tool. Every market research project sold sends 60% of its income directly back into the supply chain – 50% to smaller, independent and freelance market research suppliers and 50% to members of public and business communities. Quite simply, the more research the company sells, the more money is distributed, and skills facilitated to expand the market research supply chain.

*Our definition of sustainability

A vision of South Africa where all people have equal opportunity to experience personal, social and financial well-being, in balance with the environment.

Stage 2 of Research EQ’s growth plan is to attract social and business grants that can fund the research needs of micro and small businesses in South Africa. This sector is future forward thinking enough to do whatever market research it can, yet the scope and quality of research is limited due to lack of budget.  Research EQ plans to become a partner to this sector by facilitating funding.

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